Lists for Orks vs Necrons Warhammer 40k Live Battle Report

Lists for Orks vs Necrons Warhammer 40k Live Battle Report

August 17, 2022

Steve's Ork List

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Orks) [65 PL, 1,180pts, 4CP] ++

+ Configuration [6CP] +

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [6CP]

Clan Kultur: Snakebites

Detachment Command Cost

Gametype: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim

+ No Force Org Slot [8 PL, 130pts] +

Nob on Smasha Squig [4 PL, 65pts]: Big Choppa, Slugga, Smasha Squig Jaws

Nob on Smasha Squig [4 PL, 65pts]: Big Choppa, Slugga, Smasha Squig Jaws

+ HQ [13 PL, 230pts, -2CP] +

Beastboss on Squigosaur [9 PL, 165pts, -2CP]: 4. Brutal but Kunnin, Beastchoppa, Beasthide Mantle, Slugga, Squigosaur's Jaws, Stratagem: Relic [-1CP], Stratagem: Warlord Trait [-1CP], Thump Gun [5pts], Warlord

Zodgrod Wortsnagga [4 PL, 65pts]: Da Grabzappa, Slugga

+ Troops [14 PL, 280pts] +

Beast Snagga Boyz [5 PL, 100pts]
. 9x Beast Snagga Boy [90pts]: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga
. Beast Snagga Nob [10pts]: Power Snappa, Slugga

Beast Snagga Boyz [5 PL, 100pts]
. 9x Beast Snagga Boy [90pts]: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga
. Beast Snagga Nob [10pts]: Power Snappa, Slugga

Gretchin [4 PL, 80pts]: 'Orrible Gitz
. 20x Gretchin [80pts]: 20x Grot Blaster

+ Fast Attack [8 PL, 160pts] +

Squighog Boyz [8 PL, 160pts]: 2x Bomb Squig [10pts]
. 6x Squighog Boy [150pts]: 6x Saddlegit Weapons, 6x Squighog Jaws, 6x Stikka

+ Heavy Support [22 PL, 380pts] +

Kill Rig [11 PL, 190pts]: 'Eavy Lobba, Butcha Boyz, Savage Horns and Hooves, Saw Blades, Stikka Kannon, Wurrtower

Kill Rig [11 PL, 190pts]: 'Eavy Lobba, Butcha Boyz, Savage Horns and Hooves, Saw Blades, Stikka Kannon, Wurrtower

++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Orks) [44 PL, 805pts, -2CP] ++

+ Configuration [-2CP] +

Clan Kultur: Snakebites

Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]

+ No Force Org Slot [4 PL, 65pts] +

Nob on Smasha Squig [4 PL, 65pts]: Big Choppa, Slugga, Smasha Squig Jaws

+ HQ [15 PL, 270pts] +

Mozrog Skragbad [10 PL, 185pts]: Big Chompa's Jaws, Gutrippa, Thump Gun

Painboss [5 PL, 85pts]: Grot Orderly [5pts], Power Snappa

+ Troops [10 PL, 200pts] +

Beast Snagga Boyz [5 PL, 100pts]
. 9x Beast Snagga Boy [90pts]: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga
. Beast Snagga Nob [10pts]: Power Snappa, Slugga

Beast Snagga Boyz [5 PL, 100pts]
. 9x Beast Snagga Boy [90pts]: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga
. Beast Snagga Nob [10pts]: Power Snappa, Slugga

+ Fast Attack [4 PL, 80pts] +

Squighog Boyz [4 PL, 80pts]: Bomb Squig [5pts]
. 3x Squighog Boy [75pts]: 3x Saddlegit Weapons, 3x Squighog Jaws, 3x Stikka

+ Heavy Support [11 PL, 190pts] +

Kill Rig [11 PL, 190pts]: 'Eavy Lobba, 1. Roar of Mork, 3. Bitin' Jawz, Butcha Boyz, Savage Horns and Hooves, Saw Blades, Stikka Kannon, Wurrtower

++ Total: [109 PL, 2CP, 1,985pts] ++

Duff's Necron List


++ Supreme Command Detachment +3CP (Necrons) [21 PL, 400pts, 6CP] ++

+ Configuration [3CP] +

Detachment Command Cost [3CP]

Dynasty Choice: Dynasty: Szarekhan

+ Primarch | Daemon Primarch | Supreme Commander [21 PL, 400pts, 3CP] +

The Silent King [21 PL, 400pts, 3CP]: Warlord
. Szarekh: Sceptre of Eternal Glory, Scythe of Dust, Staff of Stars
. 2x Triarchal Menhir: 2x Annihilator Beam

++ Battalion Detachment -3CP (Necrons) [89 PL, 1,600pts, 3CP] ++

+ Configuration [3CP] +

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)  [6CP]

Detachment Command Cost [-3CP]

Dynasty Choice: Circumstance of Awakening: Relentlessly Expansionist, Dynastic Tradition: Eternal Conquerors, Dynasty: <Custom>

Gametype: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim

+ HQ [12 PL, 175pts] +

Chronomancer [6 PL, 85pts]: Aeonstave, Arkana: Cryptogeometric Adjuster [1 PL, 10pts], Chronotendrils

Technomancer [6 PL, 90pts]: Arkana: Hypermaterial Ablator [1 PL, 20pts], Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light

+ Troops [16 PL, 320pts] +

Immortals [8 PL, 160pts]: Gauss Blaster, 10x Immortal [160pts]

Immortals [4 PL, 80pts]: Gauss Blaster, 5x Immortal [80pts]

Immortals [4 PL, 80pts]: Gauss Blaster, 5x Immortal [80pts]

+ Elites [36 PL, 685pts] +

Canoptek Plasmacyte [1 PL, 15pts]: Monomolecular Proboscis

Cryptothralls [2 PL, 40pts]
. 2x Cryptothrall: 2x Scouring Eye, 2x Scythed Limbs

Hexmark Destroyer [4 PL, 65pts]: 6x Enmitic Disintegrator Pistol

Lychguard [14 PL, 250pts]: 10x Lychguard [250pts]
. Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield: Dispersion Shield, Hyperphase Sword

Skorpekh Destroyers [8 PL, 180pts]
. 2x Skorpekh Destroyer (Reap-Blade) [60pts]: 2x Hyperphase Reap-Blade
. 4x Skorpekh Destroyer (Thresher) [120pts]: 4x Hyperphase Threshers

Triarch Stalker [7 PL, 135pts]: Stalker's Forelimbs, Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon [15pts]

+ Fast Attack [16 PL, 270pts] +

Canoptek Scarab Swarms [4 PL, 60pts]
. 4x Canoptek Scarab Swarm [60pts]: 4x Feeder Mandibles

Canoptek Wraiths [12 PL, 210pts]
. 6x Canoptek Wraith (Claws) [210pts]: 6x Vicious Claws

+ Heavy Support [9 PL, 150pts] +

Lokhust Heavy Destroyers [9 PL, 150pts]
. 3x Lokhust Heavy Destroyer (Gauss Destructor) [9 PL, 150pts]: 3x Gauss Destructor

++ Total: [110 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts] ++


Game: Warhammer 40k

Show: Live Battle Reports

Producers: Steve

Factions: Orks, Xenos, Necrons