Deathwatch Item Generator 9th Edition

Generate crazy random weapons for use in your homebrewed Deathwatch narrative games.  Disclaimer:  This will sometimes generate aboslute nonsense, and is really just intended to help you have loads of fun with your Deathwatch campaigns.

Any attempt to use these stats in a tournament will result in general and well-earned mockery.

Banner - The Black Banner

Friendly models within 6" of this banner in the Fight Phase gain +1 Attack and +1 to their hit rolls.  However, for each unmodified hit roll a 1 roll a d6.  On a 4+ they suffer 1 mortal wound.

Crozius Arcanum



-1 Strength

If this weapon has a Strength multiplier (e.g. x2) apply the -1 Strength BEFORE the multiplier

Force Axe

Crippling, Master-crafted, Increased Damage


Unmodified hit rolls of 6 cause 1 mortal wound to the target in addition to any other damage.


An unmodified hit roll of 6+ automatically wounds the target (do not make a wound roll).

Increased Damage:

+1 Damage

Thunder Hammer

Wounding, Stronger


+1 to wound rolls


+1 Strength

If a weapon has a Strength Multiplier (e.g. x2) then apply this +1 BEFORE the multiplication

Astartes Grenade Launcher

No additional traits.

Generate Another Item

Generate Another 2 Items

Generate Another 3 Items

Generate Another 5 Items

Generate Another 10 Items