Deathwatch Item Generator 9th Edition

Generate crazy random weapons for use in your homebrewed Deathwatch narrative games.  Disclaimer:  This will sometimes generate aboslute nonsense, and is really just intended to help you have loads of fun with your Deathwatch campaigns.

Any attempt to use these stats in a tournament will result in general and well-earned mockery.

Storm Bolter

Stronger, Penetrating


+1 Strength

If a weapon has a Strength Multiplier (e.g. x2) then apply this +1 BEFORE the multiplication


Improve the AP of the weapon by 1 (e.g. AP 0 becomes -1, AP -2 becomes -3)

Force Sword

Master-crafted, Accurate, Phasing


An unmodified hit roll of 6+ automatically wounds the target (do not make a wound roll).


+1 to hit rolls


Target must reroll successful invulnerable saves against this weapon

Plasma Exterminator

Longer Range

Longer Range:

+3" range if Grenade or Pistol
+6" range if Assault or Rapid Fire
+12" range if Heavy

Smoke Grenades

Instead of shooting in the shooting phase a model equipped with Smoke Grenades can throw one of its Smoke Grenades.  Mark a point on the battlefield within 6" of this model and that it can see.  Until this model's next turn, any shooting attacks that pass within 3" of that point will suffer a -1 to their hit rolls.

Heavy Bolter



Unmodified hit rolls of 1 from this weapon inflict 1 mortal wound each on the firer (after all attacks have been resolved).  This is in addition to any other overheating rules the weapon might have.

Generate Another Item

Generate Another 2 Items

Generate Another 3 Items

Generate Another 5 Items

Generate Another 10 Items